Nasal reflux的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列問答集和懶人包總整理

Nasal reflux的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Koufman, Jamie, M.D./ Wei, Julie L., M.D./ Zur, Karen B., M.D.寫的 Acid Reflux in Children: How Healthy Eating Can Fix Your Child’s Asthma, Allergies, Obesity, Nasal Congestion, Cough & Croup 和的 Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide to Evaluation and Treatment都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

臺北醫學大學 公共衛生學系博士班 白其卉所指導 林以志的 懸壅垂腭咽成形術對於阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症患者其心血管相關疾病之預防效果 (2021),提出Nasal reflux關鍵因素是什麼,來自於懸壅垂腭咽成形術、阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症、心血管相關疾病。

而第二篇論文高雄醫學大學 公共衛生學系碩士班 王姿乃所指導 廖子晴的 使用集群分析及機器學習探討職業暴露與成人氣喘表徵之相關 (2021),提出因為有 氣喘表型、職業暴露、集群分析、機器學習的重點而找出了 Nasal reflux的解答。


除了Nasal reflux,大家也想知道這些:

Acid Reflux in Children: How Healthy Eating Can Fix Your Child’s Asthma, Allergies, Obesity, Nasal Congestion, Cough & Croup

為了解決Nasal reflux的問題,作者Koufman, Jamie, M.D./ Wei, Julie L., M.D./ Zur, Karen B., M.D. 這樣論述:

A Parent's Guide to Reflux in Infants, Children & Teens"Meeting Dr. Jamie Koufman completely changed my life. My symptoms of chronic cough and shortness of breath had been diagnosed since my childhood as asthma. Dr. Koufman identified that I had reflux, not asthma, and guided me step by step how to

cure it. I have my life back and I owe it all to Dr. Koufman's insight and help." -Suze Orman, Host of the Suze Orman Show, CNBC This is an important book that will help change how America eats and guide parents to heal our needlessly sick children and adolescents. There are 80 million infants, ch

ildren and teens in America, and most have unhealthy diets. Every year, tens of millions are misdiagnosed as having asthma, allergies, nasal congestion, ear infections, chronic cough and croup, when the real problem is acid reflux. A bad diet and childhood obesity are both strongly associated with

reflux. So, when a child has a respiratory disease and is not getting better with medical treatment, we believe parents should consider that reflux may be the problem. Why? Because it can be fixed Reflux is the greatest masquerader of our time. It can be the cause of almost any kind of respiratory

symptom or disease. Unlike adults who may have obvious reflux symptoms (indigestion and heartburn), children are almost always "silently refluxing," and silent means that reflux is mysterious, difficult to diagnose and easy to overlook. Kids with reflux rarely complain of heartburn or indigestion.

Respiratory reflux is the missing link between bad diet and many symptoms. Today, respiratory reflux is so common it is almost invisible. Pediatricians and medical specialists often diagnose children with asthma, sinusitis or allergy, when what they really have is reflux. Doctors all too frequentl

y prescribe children antacid medications without beneficial effects. The real villain is not vanquished by pills. Most medications won't do a thing for children's reflux symptoms and can sometimes cause more harm than good. Reflux is not only uncomfortable and inconvenient, it's dangerous. If left

untreated, reflux can wreak havoc on a child's ears, nose, throat, airways, lungs and digestive system. Our successful reflux rehabilitation program is a platform for change, with the long-term goal of health maintenance and disease prevention. And, for overweight children, another benefit of this

book's reflux program is that they will lose weight naturally and slowly with a diet that is simply "lean, clean, green and alkaline." When we fix a child's reflux, parents' knowledge translates to significant dietary changes for the entire family. Out go the juice, soda, chocolate milk and other u

nhealthy choices. When parents understand that too much acid and sugar in the diet, and eating supper too late in the day has a big negative impact on the family's health, they act. Their children's well-being is at stake. Once reflux is identified or even suspected, the fix is more in parents' con

trol than many realize. Acid Reflux in Children is the revolutionary book for parents who want to help their children lead healthy, active lives, free of acid reflux and the many other symptoms this condition can create. Here's to our future - HEALTHY CHILDREN Dr. Jamie Koufman, one of the world

’s leading authorities on the diagnosis and treatment of acid reflux, is responsible for coining the terms laryngopharyngeal reflux, silent reflux, airway reflux, and respiratory reflux. She is the founder and director of the Voice Institute of New York and Clinical Professor of Otolaryngology at th

e New York Eye & Ear Infirmary of the Mt. Sinai Medical System. Dr. Koufman is a New York Times bestselling co-author of Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure, the first book that offered refluxers an understanding of reflux that emphasized low-acid diet and lifestyle changes to achieve a n

atural cure; she is also the author of The Chronic Cough Enigma and Dr. Koufman’s Acid Reflux Diet. Dr. Julie L. Wei is Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Central Florida School of Medicine and is Surgeon-in-Chief of Nemours Children’s Hospital. She is also the D

ivision Chief of Pediatric Otolaryngology. For many years, Dr. Wei has observed the significant relationship between dietary habits and children’s health, which resulted in publication of her book, A Healthier Wei - Reclaim Health for Misdiagnosed and Overmedicated Children. Dr. Karen Zur is the Dir

ector of the Voice Program and Associate Director of the Center for Pediatric Airway Disorders at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). As a mother of two, and a surgeon with a busy aerodigestive practice, she sees the impact and importance of healthy eating as well as the role that reflux pla

ys on a child’s ear, nose, throat and airway problems.


為了解決Nasal reflux的問題,作者林以志 這樣論述:

中文摘要1 背景:從過去的研究發現,阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症的病人似乎有較高的機會得到心血管疾病,其中包括了高血壓、心律不整、新陳代謝症候群、冠狀動脈及腦血管疾病。其潛在的機轉主要有三個,分別是1. 缺氧導致交感神經的活化2. 血管內皮功能障礙 3. 全身系統性的發炎反應。治療阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症obstructive sleep apnea, OSA的首選是陽壓呼吸器continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP。使用陽壓呼吸器以後,對於阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症OSA患者罹患高血壓或是頑固性高血壓,都可以降低血壓,且能降低心血管病併發症以及減少因為心血管引起的

死亡。然而,臨床上病人願意持續配戴陽壓呼吸器的比率不高。因此,臨床上考慮替代的治療方案,例如上呼吸道的手術、口腔裝置。而其中懸壅垂顎咽成形術uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, UPPP則是一種最常見的上呼吸道手術。UPPP在臨床上除了可以治療阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症,同時亦有研究指出UPPP亦可以如同CPAP對於OSA病人一樣,可改善血壓,也可有效地減少鬱血性心臟衰竭和心房顫動的風險。截至目前為止,並沒有太多的文獻對於UPPP在OSA病人上,對於重大心血管事件(包括急性心肌梗塞, 冠狀動脈粥樣硬化、心房顫動、心室顫動、心衰竭、中風)的預防功效做過評估,此外亦沒有探討對於OSA病人

的慢性病是否有影響,如高血壓、糖尿病、心血管疾病(非重大心血管事件)、高血脂、慢性腎臟病疾病。2 研究目的以及材料方法:本研究為回溯性世代研究,回溯雙和醫院2009-2016的病歷資料,主要對象為阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症OSA的病人,且有在雙和醫院接受多項睡眠生理檢查polysomnography, PSG者,研究者擬使用電子病歷追蹤到2020年,想要知道懸壅垂顎咽成形術對於阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症的影響,分為3個子研究。2.1 第一個子研究:評估手術對於重大心血管事件(包括急性心肌梗塞, 冠狀動脈粥樣硬化、心房顫動、心室顫動、心衰竭、中風),是否具有預防效果。選取三組做比較,分別是UPPP、CP

AP、以及未接受任何睡眠呼吸中止症相關治療的對照組,來評估UPPP相對於其他兩組,是否有所差異。2.2 第二個子研究:評估手術對於高血壓,是否有預防效果。選取三組做比較,分別是UPPP、CPAP、以及未接受任何睡眠呼吸中止症相關治療的對照組,來評估相對於對照組,是否有所差異。2.3 第三個子研究:評估手術對於阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症相關的心血管共病症,如糖尿病、心血管疾病(非重大心血管事件)、高血脂、慢性腎臟病疾病,是否有預防效果。選取三組做比較,分別是UPPP、CPAP、以及未接受任何睡眠呼吸中止症相關治療的對照組,來評估相對於對照組,是否有所差異。3 預期結果:3.1 第一子研究:

懸壅垂顎咽成形術相比於對照組,對於重大心臟不良事件有較好的預防效果。 懸壅垂顎咽成形術相對於陽壓呼吸器,則是具有相似的保護效果。3.2 第二子研究: 懸壅垂顎咽成形術相比於對照組,對於高血壓有較好的預防效果。 懸壅垂顎咽成形術相對於陽壓呼吸器,則是具有相似的保護效果。3.3 第三子研究: 懸壅垂顎咽成形術相比於對照組,在心血管相關的慢性病,如糖尿病、慢性腎臟病、心血管疾病、高血脂症具有較好的保護效果。

Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide to Evaluation and Treatment

為了解決Nasal reflux的問題,作者 這樣論述:

PrefaceContributorsPart I. The Normal Upper Airway1. Upper Airway Structure During DevelopmentSeung Hoon Lee2. Functional Aspects and Upper Airway Control During Wakefulness and SleepNeriel Katz, Tamar Etzioni and Giora Pillar3. Lymphadenoid Tissues in the Upper Airway Jinkwan Kim and David Gozal

4. The Nasal AirwayFuad M. BaroodyPart II. Sleep During Development5. Neural Mechanisms of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Edgar Garcia-Rill6. EEG and Sleep During DevelopmentRaffaele Ferri, Luana Novelli, and Oliviero Bruni7. Autonomic Cardiovascular Regulation during SleepAnna Kourbasis, Lisa M. Walte

r, Stephanie R. Yiallourou, and Rosemary S. C. Horne8. Arousal: Ontology, Functional Anatomy, Methodology, and ConsequencesEliot S. Katz9. Metabolic and Hormonal Regulation during SleepRiva Tauman10. Chemoreceptors, Breathing, and SleepJohn L. Carroll, Supriya K. Jambhekar, and David F. Donnelly11.

Pathophysiology of Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Putting it All TogetherEliot S. KatzPart III. Diagnostic Assessment of Sleep and Breathing in Children 12. Clinical Evaluation of the Pediatric PatientHari P. R. Bandla13. ActigraphyHawley E. Montgomery-Downs and Lisa J. Meltzer14. Abbreviated/Po

rtable RecordingsLuigi Ferini-Strambi15. Overnight Sleep Study and MSLTJyoti Krishna16. Upper Airway Imaging in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea SyndromeRaanan Arens and Sanghun Sin17. The "Omics" Future: Genomics, Transcriptomics, and ProteomicsSina A. Gharib18. Pediatric Sleep Disordered Brea

thing: Criteria and Spectrum of DiseaseKaren Spruyt Part IV. SDB in Children19. Apnea of PrematurityChristian F. Poets20. Epidemiologic Aspects of Pediatric OSA around the WorldAthanasios Kaditis21. Obesity and SleepEdward O. Bixler, Alexandros N. Vgontzas, Marina Tsaoussoglou, and Susan L. Calhoun

22. Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children with Down SyndromeDennis Rosen23. Children with Neuromuscular DisordersAviv D. Goldbart 24. Sleep Problems in Children with Sickle Cell DiseaseUmakanth Khatwa, Alia Bazzy-Asaad, and Sanjeev V. Kothare25. Children with Craniofacial SyndromesWendy Estrellado-Cru

z and Robert C. Beckerman26. Epilepsy, Headache, and Sleep Disordered BreathingMartina Vendrame and Sanjeev V. Kothare27. Sleep and Breathing in Cystic Fibrosis Amanda J. Piper28. Asthma and Obstructive Sleep ApneaLeila Kheirandish-Gozal29. Central Hypoventilation SyndromesIris A. Perez, Thomas G. K

eens, and Sally L. Davidson Ward30. Healthcare Utilization and Pediatric Obstructive Sleep ApneaAriel Tarasiuk and Haim Reuveni31. Gastroesophageal Reflux and Sleep Disordered BreathingHari P. R. Bandla and Aparna R. RaoPart V. Consequences of SDB in Children32. Behavioral Morbidity in Pediatric Sle

ep Disordered BreathingElise K. Hodges, Barbara


為了解決Nasal reflux的問題,作者廖子晴 這樣論述:

前言: 氣喘是一種慢性呼吸道疾病,以發炎、呼吸道高反應性和呼吸道收縮為特徵。根據《2021年全球氣喘報告》,職業場所中的暴露佔據了成人氣喘新發病例中5-20%的原因。研究指出職業暴露可能對氣喘表型具有影響,因此了解職業性氣喘的表型和建立預測氣喘相關結果(如:重度氣喘、氣喘相關控制和氣喘相關生活品質)的模型已成為一個重要議題。因此,此研究希望透過將具有工作經驗的氣喘患者納入,並測量他們的臨床和環境因子,利用集群分析發現其特徵。另外,利用機器學習來預測重度氣喘、氣喘控制及氣喘生活品質。材料方法: 本研究係屬橫斷型研究,招募高雄長庚醫學中心1165名具工作經驗之成年氣喘患者,其中570人具風險職業

暴露。透過因素分析選擇13個變項,包括性別、年齡、BMI、抽菸習慣、氣喘病程、異位性皮膚炎、血液中嗜酸性粒細胞(%)、血液嗜中性粒細胞(%)、支氣管擴張前FEV1%預測值、高分子量氣喘原、低分子量氣喘原、混和環境氣喘原以及氣喘相關控制測驗(ACT)。我們針對氣喘病人進行兩步驟集群分析並使用機器學習來預測氣喘相關結果,透過計算接收操作特徵圖之曲線下面積(AUC)、敏感度、特異度、陽性預測值和陰性預測值進行評估。結果: 研究在氣喘職業暴露程度高或低風險的患者中定義出四個集群;這些集群標示出的特點分別為:老年女性/晚發型氣喘/混合環境氣喘原/寡粒型細胞為主/氣喘控制穩定(Cluster 1), 年輕

/吸菸者/異位性氣喘/症狀頻繁/氣喘控制不佳(Cluster 2), 老年/晚發型氣喘/寡粒型細胞為主/併發症/低分子量氣喘原(Cluster 3), 男性/戒菸者/異位性氣喘/肺功能差/低風險職業暴露(Cluster 4 )。以邏輯式迴歸來預測重度氣喘、氣喘控制測驗(分界點19)和氣喘相關生活品質(分界點61)的結果最佳,其AUC分別為0.92(95%CI=0.88-0.95)、0.87(95%CI=0.84-0.90)和0.85(95%CI=0.82-0.88)。結論: 這項研究不僅定義了四個具異質性的氣喘集群,並表明集群分析中所使用的13個變項可以用以準確地預測氣喘相關結果。未來需要更多
